Specialist in swine artificial reproduction
MB swine is an American company that exclusively supplies Magapor products. Magapor is a Spanish company dedicated exclusively to the design,
development, manufacture and distribution of technology for swine artificial insemination.
We focus R + D + I to provide innovative and practical solutions for our customers to achieve the best results. Our differentiation lies in the specialization in swine reproduction, the technical service at our customers´ disposal and the unique and innovative solutions we provide.
We aim to be the leading company in the national sector and a reference internationally, both in innovation and the in market share, thanks to a strong international distribution network.
Thanks to continuous improvement we offer exclusive, innovative and top quality products as well as real solutions for the end user in all processes related to
swine reproduction. Committed to our customers, we listen to and answer to their requirements and, therefore, we are proud to be their trustworthy technological partner.