
Our solutions for the seminal doses collection process in the Boar Stud

Ergos dummy sow

Ergonomic, stainless steel, resistant, adjustable in height, improves hygiene.


  • Ergos skirt
  • Ergos extension


Automatic collection system, optional for Ergos dummy sow. With adjustable movable guides, support for artificial cervix and thermo adjustable in height, fixed position or for free movement of the animal.

Maximum productivity and profit
Research carried out in a Spanish boar stud with 150 males.

AUTO Manual collection
Ergos & Autocollect Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4 Operator 5 Operator Average
Total ejaculates 940 872 673 673 111 695 2436
Ejaculate average volume 272,6 244,92 233,19 191,2 243,33 278,25 249,24
Abnormal forms average percentage 17,65 23,09 21,39 17,95 17,95 19,96 21,15
Average doses/ejaculate 25,26 15,19 19,98 16,77 22,26 19,81 18,21

Useful dose concentration 2,6 x 109

Autocollect Operators Average Difference
Boar dose/year (60 collections/year) 1516 1093 423